Science Department Mission Statement
The Westborough High School Science Department’s mission is to provide an opportunity for all students to pursue excellence in the study of science, using the process of scientific inquiry to learn fundamental concepts of biological and physical science through our varied course offerings that include hands-on experiences. Thus, all science courses are considered lab-based.
Learning Expectations
Science students are expected to be:
Creative and effective problem solvers who apply the scientific method to:
- Demonstrate a curiosity and inquisitiveness of the natural world
- Identify and analyze
- Choose and implement appropriate strategies to solve the problem
- Collect and organize both qualitative and quantitative data
- Interpret data and draw valid conclusions and communicate results
Thoughtful and effective communicators who:
- Construct and interpret graphical data using a variety of techniques
- Write and speak clearly, concisely, and accurately to convey a scientific meaning
Informed and active citizens who:
- Exhibit responsibility, act with integrity and respect
- Demonstrate scientific literacy in the interpretation and evaluation of ideas
- Understand the role of science and technology in the modern world
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