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Mathematics Department Mission Statement

The mission of the mathematics department is to facilitate all students to obtain mathematical content and skills that will empower them to:

  • Enroll in the highest level course in which they can succeed
  • Think critically and creatively
  • Solve rigorous and authentic problems
  • Collaborate and communicate effectively
  • Identify and use appropriate tools and technology

Learning Expectations

Mathematics students are expected to be:

Effective communicators who organize and consolidate their mathematical thinking through communication by:

  • Expressing mathematical ideas coherently to diverse audiences
  • Using appropriate and accurate mathematical language
  • Developing, evaluating, and defending persuasive mathematical arguments
  • Analyzing, evaluating, and discussing the mathematical reasoning and strategies of others

Critical thinkers and problem solvers who solve problems that arise in mathematics and in other contexts by:

  • Identifying and describing the problem
  • Collecting and organizing information
  • Formulating relevant questions and developing an appropriate model
  • Choosing appropriate strategies and implementing a plan of action
  • Drawing logical conclusions and evaluating results
  • Participating actively as members of a team

Efficient users of technology who recognize its role in mathematics by:

  • Using technology as a learning tool
  • Selecting appropriate technology
  • Acknowledging the limitations of technology

Each student should purchase a scientific calculator as these will be used frequently in class and are allowed on standardized tests (MCAS, SATs & ACTs). Students enrolled in Algebra II, Precalculus, Calculus, and Statistics are encouraged to purchase a TI-84 graphing calculator. Be aware that the minimum requirement in math for admission to Massachusetts state colleges is four years of math, including Algebra I, Geometry, and Algebra II.


WHS Math Curriculum Documents

Cynthia Mignini

Cynthia Mignini

Math Teacher, Department Head
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