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Business Department Mission Statement

The Business Education Department is committed to providing comprehensive courses that will play a prominent role in developing the knowledge, skills, and attitudes to make astute personal and global economic decisions and to succeed in college and the workforce.

Learning Expectations

Business students are expected to be:

Effective communicators who:

  • Read, write, and speak clearly
  • Express ideas coherently in class discussions and presentations

Critical thinkers and problem solvers who:

  • Identify and brainstorm solutions to problems
  • Gather, analyze, and evaluate information
  • Apply acquired knowledge
  • Draw conclusions from various data

Responsible citizens who:

  • Engage in independent and cooperative learning activities
  • Make responsible personal and economic decisions
  • Acquire a set of marketable, transferable skills for work and personal use

Effective users of technology who:

  • Use technology to access and evaluate information

WHS Business Curriculum Documents

Cynthia Mignini

Cynthia Mignini

Math Teacher, Department Head